0] Intro...
1] How am I - Physical
2] How am I - Emotional
3] Current Tasks / Projects
4] Upcoming Events
5] Recent Events
6] Entertainment Review /Anime/Movies/Music/Games/Outdoor
0] Introduction
My Blog entries will be structured from now on, more or less following this standard format. Occupation hazard for someone who write protocols for a living...had to happened sooner of later.
1] How am I? Physical
Category | Goal / Limits | Current |
Weight | < 80 kg | 83.8kg |
BMI | 18.5 - 25 | 25.9 (Arrrgggghhhh) |
% Body Fat | 14 - 22 | 20.4 |
Blood Pressure | <> | 112/67 |
Cholesterol | 4.1 -5.2 | ??? |
Blood Sugar | 3.5 - 6.0 | ??? |
The Virgin Active computer has confirmed what I've expected...I've become a fat-ass. I've tipped over the BMI 25 line.
2] How am I? Emotional
Mood (1 = I wanna Die 10 = Whoohoo!) Current = 6 Same Same - Wish I had lithium
3] Current Tasks / Projects
- See the Dentists!!! - Still must do
- Get Cholesterol & Glucose Readings - still must do !!
- Loose weight / Get toned -
- Diet !!!! -
- Plans for Home extension
Got the drawing plans, must take them to a Draftsperson for submission to the municipal authorities for approval
- Get some nice paintings for lounge area - Get the garden into place - Free landscaping service anyone?
Where to start!!!!
Update my Web Page
- Write articles on my field of work
Update my Blog
- Upload videos of visit to China
Ja... I DID this on YouTube and a few days later it ALL DISAPPEARED - Ok so let's try Clip Shack out instead
- Get efficient system for video uploads
Ditto for the above
- Getting confused again - should I stick with blogger or do I go to MSN Spaces or to Yahoo 360 UUUHHHHH
Validation documentation project for the new production area - 2 week till dead line.
Made some progress here
Office relocation preparations - hmmm doesn't look like this is gonna happen soon, my new office that is
Updating of company SHE reps for the new Engineer - DOne
Arrange Safety Meeting for this month. - Done
4] Upcoming events
Not really an event but there are two things I really want to do
1) Get my bicycle fixed and go for a looooooog cycle
2) I haven't been clubbing for - like forever - need to call Justin and ask him if he's still alive ...
5] Recent events
Grahamstown Festival: It was nice all in all. It seemed a bit quieter than last year, I suspect the cold weather and the soccer world cup had an impact. I was disappointed when I found that the restaurant I normally go to didn't sell GLUVINE anymore :(
On the way to Grahamstown I got this cool footage of Declan
Ofcourse when I go camping, I Really rough it. I mean it was so tough out there in the wilderness I even had to run a power cable out to the DB board so that I could plug in my heater, laptop and light, and pump up the inflatable air mattresses.
And ofcourse I had to hold the camera while the woman pitched the tent.... no seriously I did help pitch the tent.
The end result
The Ride Home (Billy Idol and the Bunny Girl)
I was very happy with the air mattresses and I didn't even get cold :)
6] Entertainment Review / Anime / Movies / Music / Games / Outdoor
Viewing the first few episodes of an Anime called Speed Grapher.
It starts out with the song from Duran Duran called "Girls on Film"
It's a series about an ex-war photographer and is interaction with a powerful corporation in Japan.
Looks very promising so far.