Monday, October 16, 2006

16 October 2006

Only two weeks until I start my new job. Funny that I don't feel nervous.
Just made a booking at the Lennox for my Birthday Party and started the invitation lists.
Should be interesting 'cos I'm inviting a lot of people from work, it's kindof a farewell party too. (Should be interesting because Bodene has some hard core party animals too (^_^) )

Other things on the move:
Time to look for a new car: I'm not fussy, not really into cars - just want something cheap to run WITH AIRCON- Summer is on the way afterall.

Finally found a site for GIT SAC Part I & II Yaaaaaay.

I joined the Neighbourhhood watch comittee and have decided to contribute in the pulic relations / news letter area. Give feedback to the community and try to encourage participation by making it more accessable to the people.

Master plan includes use of cellphones, creating small groups or "cells" where neighbours contact eachother if something is on the foot.