Monday, October 24, 2005
Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday
At about 14:00 we got to Dizzy Dolphin's beachfront restaurant. I ordered a Chicken Tramizzini and Mom ordered a caramel waffel. That and an Iced coffee, sufficiently guilty - we opted to walk the beach front.
Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday
gentle exercise for a Sunday afternoon.
Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
(See attached file: Warren-Saturday .jpg)
Despite my intentions to go running, my lazy-ass-ness found an excuse inthe form of lower back pain. (I've got compressed disks).
So I slept late and was doing something Close to nothing.
Yvette & James stopped by, and I took the opportunity to make some video
footage of Declan. Yvette was saying that she didn't have any recent photo's of him, so I though, photos! Video is better. I made a VCD with a sound track etc.
The weather was quite nice, but I held back until about 14:00, when the Sun wouldn't cause any damage. As usual, I went to "Pipe" to surf. As I got there, I saw Angelo, Warren, Ravi and friends on the beach. Anyway, the
wave weren'y really spectacular, so after a frw hours I got out the water
and showered. As Angelo's flat was right the, I stopped off to say Hi. They
were making a braai and were kind enough to offer me a nice meal, even
though I didn't contribute anything. Kamla arrived later, fresh of the cover of a magazine, or where ever it is that comes from looking all radiant, glossed etc.
We were going to play cards like we did the other time (sans sharp objects) but I was feeling a bit tired and my back was starting act up a bit. So I went home for some gentle reading.
Friday was the normal hectic schedule. I had to drop my boss off at the airport earlier than usual (12:00)
On the wayback I took my car in for wheel alignment as the wheel has been shuddering whilst driving. After the balance it was right as rain, which made me feel a lot better, I was wondering if there was axel damage or shot CV joints.
Later that evening I was getting ready for some serious net surfing as I was in my Net-Head mood wanting to fly through cyberspace and meet up with people I haven't "seen" in a while. I ordered some chinese food - Chicken chowmein, (my favorite) with a dash of Chutney. I was just halfway through it when Angelo popped around so I had bath and got ready as he wanted to get some Pizza. We went to St. Elmo's and he ordered pizza, I just had some wine. We spent he time talking about philosphy....or at least some of mine - putting some theories to him. Perhaps he'll see some flaws in mine. That would be a good thing as theories must be able to stand up to challenges, if not then they should adapt, change...a lot like the human immune system. We got back to my place, me still being in a Net-Mood, dragged Angelo along for the ride, he chatted to a few folks, my cousin - Kevin popped on-line, Angelo spoke to him while I was making coffee for us.
At about 01:00 I called it a night as I wanted to run a 10 k race in the morning.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
2005-10-18-Tuesday Started work early today - I w...
Started work early today - I was very sleepy the whole day, especially in the morning during the Technical Services meeting.
I wonder if it wasn't the Coke I drank i.e. blood sugar levels / Insulin response...Despite this I worked late until 17:30 or so.
Angelo SMSed me, saying he wanted to come over to my place with Warren, to watch a movie that I had.
I cleaned the place up a bit, I was just finishing the dishes when he arrived. From there we went to Kentucky to by some supper.
The movie started about a quarter of the way through when Justin came over. I've been meaning to visit him last week as he was mugged the week before, but he's phone was stolen so I couldn't get directions to his place which he moved into recently.
Justin wanted to have a drink so he showed us a place in central called, ????? Rouge.
A small quite bar, quite enough to be able to chat to friends.
I was glad to see that Angelo and Justin seemed to get on quite well, as they are very different personality types (in my opinion at least)
Kamla phoned me and told me about a deal that she initiated, like all deals, there is a small inherent risk involved, but I'm sure everything will turn out OK. Tiny But Tough she is. She takes life by the horns, that one and has the energy and determination to back it up.
It is one of the things I admire about her.
At about 10:30, we left. I had to do some ironing else I wouldn't have anything to wear for work the following day. (
Monday, October 17, 2005
Hakkies Draad Mampoer
On several occasions on this blog, reference is made to Hakkiesdraad Mampoer, so it deserves an explanation. Note the barbed wire around the
bottle, if this doesn't give some indication as to what the customer is getting himself in for, well then I just don't know. Also, this product is proudly South African, made by a South African, for a South African.
As such the barbed wire makes it difficult for your neibours to steal your drink.
Hakkies Draad is also useful for the following applications:
- Starting your Braai / Barbeque - if the wood is too wet or green just pour a few drop onto the wood. (A FEW DROPS!!!)
- It can keep you car running if you run out of fuel on the way to
or from the Braai (The car may go a little faster than normal, making up for lost time) - The bottle can also be used as a weapon in case you get mugged
on the way to / from the Braai
With all these practical uses, HakkieDraad Mampoer is a testimony to the South African spirit.
But let's review what insights the manufacturer shares about their
Hierdie tradisionele Bosveld Mampoer word sorvuldig gestook volgens oorle oom Martiens du Plessis se geheime familieresep.
Hulle se - eers maak dit jou aantreklik
- dan word jy sterk
- dan maak hy jo slim
- en dan word jy gebliksim
Geniet hom met jy dit wag.
Translation for those abroad
This traditional Bushveld Moonshine is carefully distilled in accordance with Uncle Matiens du Plesse's family secret recipy.
It is said that when consumed the effects are:
- A profound realisation that you are in fact more attractive than you've given yourself credit for.
- A sense of being somewhat physically stronger and agile than you
normally consider yourself to be - An enlightened awareness that you are actually a very intelligent,smart human being
- A sudden realisation that you are getting the cr*p beat out of you
That being said, I'm going on record saying that this bottle is
officially ornamental - and will NEVER be imbibed (again)!
FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday1
The characters in this scene.
Yours Truly
*James (a/k/a That-Fn-Brother-in-law-of-mine)
*Yvette (a/k/a
*Atilla the Hun, uh, no Sorry, Just Atilla, and he's much nicer than that
Hun chap.
*Roselyn (Spelling?) - Attilla's wife
So we started off the evening at a place called Giovanni's by a complex
called "Dolphins Leap"
Very stylish up-market sort of club with neon lights and (fake) marble
floors, so naturally I didn't fit in :)
No, I actually quite like it.
We ordered some basic drinks and then I saw a waitress walk past with a
hooka pipe, so naturally we had to have one to - mostly for no other reason than the fact that it looked like fun and we wanted to be cool dammit. We ordered a mixed fruit and mint flavour tobacco, but we basically told the waitress she had carte blanche with what ever concoction she wanted to long as it was legal!
Very nice combination...whatever it was
FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday2
Anyway, where was I (I hope I manage to upload these it the correct sequence or else it's no gonna make much sences when I read in the future)
Ok, so from there we were supposed to go to Barnies, but I got it in my head that we were going to Toby Joes, so I parked my car there. Luckilly James called me when he saw my car pull off into the other road (he was behind me I think) Because Toby Joe's it only about 1 km away from Barnies I said "to hell with it" locked my car and jogged down, knowing full well that we would eventually end up back at Toby Joe's or Tappas.
Tappas is one of those places that you end up going to every single weeked, even when you tell yourself and others "Let's do something different next weekend - I'm sick of going to Tappas"
To which all your friends reply
"Ja, hey, like me too, I'm sick of Tappas, they always play the same music, Ja, we must definitely do something else next weekend, something
This is followed by a moment of silence as each person waits for someone to come up with a suggestion of a cool place to go to next weekend.
NoOne says anything, and the topic of discussion drifts off in some other direction.
The next weekend everyone meets up again, go to some place different,
and end Tappas.
FW: 2005-10-09 Uncle George
Last Sunday I took my Mom her boetie (a/k/a Uncle George) to Gondwana's Cafe.
I've grown quite fond of laid back Jazz and they were advertising a live jazz there.
It was quite warm in there because of the large windows letting in all the Sunlight.
George is off to the Western Cape - so I thought it would be nice to
spend some time with him, before he leaves.
By coincidence, Kamla, Ravi, Angelo, Gareth, Tasné, Joy and some other
people (who I didn't know) were also there.
I bought Mom a cocktail drink,....can't remember what drink it was,
looked a bit like a strawberry the hell does a person
(who isn't a rich alcoholic) remember how to spell *that* word?!
We left a little after 18H00.
I decided that we should go out more often on a Sunday - take the edge
of the Monday Dread Syndrome.
FW: 2005-10-08-Saturday
2005-10-08 Saturday.
OK, let me see if I can remember these events accurately and clearly. The characters in this story are (in no particular order, except that the most good looking guy is mentioned here first!)
Your's Truly ;)
We met and Angelo's place. I nice beachfront flat which he shares with his room mate, Gareth. We met there at about 18:00.... I think (Kamla correct me if I'm wrong...just click on the comments field below this...). We started out playing a strange version of Poker, although we did use real money, it was only because we didn't have any tokens. We used pennies as substitute ... No serious gambling. I'm ashamed to admit that I brought the "Hakkies Draad Mampoer" with - and with each shot the more difficult it became to concentrate on a game that I DIDN'T FULLY UNDERSTAND IN THE FIRST PLACE! Wesley also developed a case of long fingers, sneakily grabbing the other players pennies when they weren't looking. And then using those same pennies to win against the other players. Warren, despite his charming and passive demeanour is (as we've discovered of late) of a ruthless and competitive nature...he just hides it very well...took great offence at Wesley's "moral transgressions". Warren chose to demonstrate his dissatisfaction by pricking Wesleys hand (in the act) , with the tip of my pocket knife One plaster's later the game continued - .... I think Angelo ended up the eventual winner, much to Kamla's dismay, the reigning queen of cards.
From there we went on to play 30 seconds - a game requiring
Good General Knowledge (I'm so-so)
Ability to describe well (I kick ass here)
Fast thinking (Uhhhh Duuuuhh Ummmmm)
After several slices of Pizza, well..neither teams did very well.
I discovered Garet h's CD collection and ripped a copy of the Depache Mode CD's, some good stuff there!!! Thanks Gareth ;)
Thanks to Angelo, for being the host.
FW: 2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)1
Topic of Discussion.
Jame's 30'th Birthday Party
Well the pictures pretty much say it all. The evening started out respectably. Jame's rented one of the areas by the Telkom stadium. There was a fire (Two actually...but the one didn't take so well)
People, Jame's folks, my Mom, Yvette,me,Attilla (who's I've met before,
but can't remember where), Attilla's wife, Roselyn, Their daughter...a little girl who may be as wilful as she is pretty... Another chap was there...Kevin I think his name was, a nice friendly person with a manner that was quite comical. Kevin's mother was there, also a fun person. After some food and salads, Kevin's folks and my mom called it a night, so James not wanting to go home just yet offered to go to Brooke's pavilion. We packed up the sound system which I put in my Car as it wouldn't be safe on his Bakkie.
I dropped the equipment off at my place enroute.
From that point on, well as you can see, James somehow became convinced he was Fred Aistair I.e. Dancing on the tables.
Yvette remained well behaved as ever...we Walker's are proud of our ability to feign utter control despite any given amount of alcohol consumed. :)
Actually, it's quite simple, the trick is just moderation, and pacing.
I got a nice picture of Yvette and myself...we haven't got many recent
pictures of us together, so I was happy this one came out alright.
Taking a picture in a dark night club with a low grade camera phone isn't easy.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, my brother-in-law is a fun party animal!
With time I hope we will grow to be great friends. A lot of years ahead
us and all that.
P.S. Happy Birthday James :)
2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)3
kid of her own, weird huh?