2005-10-08 Saturday.
OK, let me see if I can remember these events accurately and clearly. The characters in this story are (in no particular order, except that the most good looking guy is mentioned here first!)
Your's Truly ;)
We met and Angelo's place. I nice beachfront flat which he shares with his room mate, Gareth. We met there at about 18:00.... I think (Kamla correct me if I'm wrong...just click on the comments field below this...). We started out playing a strange version of Poker, although we did use real money, it was only because we didn't have any tokens. We used pennies as substitute ... No serious gambling. I'm ashamed to admit that I brought the "Hakkies Draad Mampoer" with - and with each shot the more difficult it became to concentrate on a game that I DIDN'T FULLY UNDERSTAND IN THE FIRST PLACE! Wesley also developed a case of long fingers, sneakily grabbing the other players pennies when they weren't looking. And then using those same pennies to win against the other players. Warren, despite his charming and passive demeanour is (as we've discovered of late) of a ruthless and competitive nature...he just hides it very well...took great offence at Wesley's "moral transgressions". Warren chose to demonstrate his dissatisfaction by pricking Wesleys hand (in the act) , with the tip of my pocket knife One plaster's later the game continued - .... I think Angelo ended up the eventual winner, much to Kamla's dismay, the reigning queen of cards.
From there we went on to play 30 seconds - a game requiring
Good General Knowledge (I'm so-so)
Ability to describe well (I kick ass here)
Fast thinking (Uhhhh Duuuuhh Ummmmm)
After several slices of Pizza, well..neither teams did very well.
I discovered Garet h's CD collection and ripped a copy of the Depache Mode CD's, some good stuff there!!! Thanks Gareth ;)
Thanks to Angelo, for being the host.
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