Monday, October 17, 2005

FW: 2005-10-09 Uncle George

Last Sunday I took my Mom her boetie (a/k/a Uncle George) to Gondwana's Cafe.

I've grown quite fond of laid back Jazz and they were advertising a live jazz there.

It was quite warm in there because of the large windows letting in all the Sunlight.

George is off to the Western Cape - so I thought it would be nice to
spend some time with him, before he leaves.
By coincidence, Kamla, Ravi, Angelo, Gareth, Tasné, Joy and some other
people (who I didn't know) were also there.
I bought Mom a cocktail drink,....can't remember what drink it was,
looked a bit like a strawberry the hell does a person
(who isn't a rich alcoholic) remember how to spell *that* word?!
We left a little after 18H00.

I decided that we should go out more often on a Sunday - take the edge
of the Monday Dread Syndrome.

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