Monday, October 17, 2005

Hakkies Draad Mampoer

Hakkies Draad Mampoer
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

On several occasions on this blog, reference is made to Hakkiesdraad Mampoer, so it deserves an explanation. Note the barbed wire around the
bottle, if this doesn't give some indication as to what the customer is getting himself in for, well then I just don't know. Also, this product is proudly South African, made by a South African, for a South African.

As such the barbed wire makes it difficult for your neibours to steal your drink.

Hakkies Draad is also useful for the following applications:

  • Starting your Braai / Barbeque - if the wood is too wet or green just pour a few drop onto the wood. (A FEW DROPS!!!)
  • It can keep you car running if you run out of fuel on the way to
    or from the Braai (The car may go a little faster than normal, making up for lost time)
  • The bottle can also be used as a weapon in case you get mugged
    on the way to / from the Braai

    With all these practical uses, HakkieDraad Mampoer is a testimony to the South African spirit.
    But let's review what insights the manufacturer shares about their

    Hierdie tradisionele Bosveld Mampoer word sorvuldig gestook volgens oorle oom Martiens du Plessis se geheime familieresep.

    Hulle se
  • eers maak dit jou aantreklik
  • dan word jy sterk
  • dan maak hy jo slim
  • en dan word jy gebliksim

Geniet hom met jy dit wag.


Translation for those abroad

This traditional Bushveld Moonshine is carefully distilled in accordance with Uncle Matiens du Plesse's family secret recipy.

It is said that when consumed the effects are:

  • A profound realisation that you are in fact more attractive than you've given yourself credit for.
  • A sense of being somewhat physically stronger and agile than you
    normally consider yourself to be
  • An enlightened awareness that you are actually a very intelligent,smart human being
  • A sudden realisation that you are getting the cr*p beat out of you

That being said, I'm going on record saying that this bottle is
officially ornamental - and will NEVER be imbibed (again)!

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