Thursday, January 25, 2007

2007-01-24-Wednesday-(Suff I did 2day cont..)

I'm worried that there may be traffic fine on the way - I went through an orange light and saw a bright flash (geesh wonder how much that would cost) and I couldn't break because there was a motor bike right behind me as well. Maybe it'll show up in the photo - If I get it. That's put quite a damper on things.

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2007-01-24-Wednesday-(Stuff I did 2day )

Went to test drive Tata Indica and spoke a lady called Bobby.

I had concern about the "not so smooth accelleration" and the grey dashboard . They should have kept with a standard black set, look more expensive.

I've optionally selected the red burgandy model as it seems more sophisticaed than the blue. Normally I would choose a dark charcoal colour, but they don't have that colour range.

Confirmed via Fax from Mazdafin (Absa) That the remaining balance on my car is R3 409.26

Phoned PG Glass, asked 4 a quote to put a glass door in a 1.24 m space - they want to charge circa R2500.00!!! Gees, I'd rather buy and Aircon unit.

Complete draft Design Qualification Protocol for Eye Drop Line 6000/h Labler, OVR checking system.

Reviewed BMS system information with Anton, points raised:

Digital Signature and in section 5.2 - Operators should include comments on each alarm that they clear.

Went to visit Xin-Wen after work. Fell asleep on the floor! After that Charlie, her friend came over, he wanted to speak to me about getting a new medical device into the South African Market. His boyfriend Cyrus came with too, but haven't seen him in quite a while, so I didn't recognise him as he put on a few kilo's and grew his hair longer.

I pigged out and ate Ribs and Pizza plus two glasses of red wine.

Not to mention the prickly pear and condensed milk combo when I got back to Xin-Wen's place. I promptly passed out at 23:00 again.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

2007-01-01 Start-up

New Years:

Started off at the Brazen Head restaurant with James, Yvetter, Xin-Wen, Roselyn and her cousin, her Mom and her Mom's friend.

I had chicken casserole, very yummy and a few Jack Daniels and lime.

Video [MP4 format] or [WMV format]

On the way I got a flat tyre, this was due to the fact that I had retreads put on, and often the rim of the tyres do not seat well against the tyre rim, causing leakage, yes, this has happened to me before.

Luckily I was wearing black that evening and I managed to wash the grease of my hands before I started eating.

After the meal we went to the pavilion, intending to go to Toby Joes night club, but they were closed, so

we went to Tappas instead, albeit with a R30.00 cover charge per person.

I "won" a free bottle of champagne so that was nice!

Yvette, James, Roselyn's Mom and Friend opted to go to The Dros instead. So we ran through straight after the countdown to meet up with them.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Photo shoot in November.

A fellow student where Xin-Wen is studying asked her if she would model for a photo shoot.

That was in November, and today the photo's arrived on disk - I like the ones that were done with a green tint. The light scribe effect is also nice.

I forget the name of the student who made these, but I'll be sure to put her name up soon.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

(no subject)

  • This
  • is
  • a
  • test.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.



Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

22 Oct 2006 Sunday

I'm going through this phase now where I'm attracted to greys and muted subtle colours. I've noticed many years ago that for just a few days of the year when the weather overcast, without wind - It creates an atomspheric pressure system that dampens noise. Everything is silent and grey, the ocean is a flat wide expanse of silver, as is the sky. On these moments I feel a kind of peace that I seldom feel - the "nothingness" of it, absense of colours denotes absence of emotion. Any emotion, high or low, pleasure or pain can frey at one's nerves - feeling nothing is a feeling in it's own right - pure lithium - the "nothingness" is perfection like a simple, mathematically precise silver-grey circle on a pure white background.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

21 Oct 2006

The good news is I finally got off my but and completed my 2nd 10km run for the Month. The bad news is - I still suck and finished in 55 minutes. On the other hand it was nice to see Shane and Tjatji there. I would say that we ran "together" but the truth is, those two took off like rockets at the start of the race, and that was the last I saw of them, until I finished! Anyway, we had a chance to chat afterwards. From there I had to do some shopping. Next race is in a few weeks, so I'd better do some more training!

Monday, October 16, 2006

16 October 2006

Only two weeks until I start my new job. Funny that I don't feel nervous.
Just made a booking at the Lennox for my Birthday Party and started the invitation lists.
Should be interesting 'cos I'm inviting a lot of people from work, it's kindof a farewell party too. (Should be interesting because Bodene has some hard core party animals too (^_^) )

Other things on the move:
Time to look for a new car: I'm not fussy, not really into cars - just want something cheap to run WITH AIRCON- Summer is on the way afterall.

Finally found a site for GIT SAC Part I & II Yaaaaaay.

I joined the Neighbourhhood watch comittee and have decided to contribute in the pulic relations / news letter area. Give feedback to the community and try to encourage participation by making it more accessable to the people.

Master plan includes use of cellphones, creating small groups or "cells" where neighbours contact eachother if something is on the foot.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Lots of things happening.
Changing jobs. After 10 years, time to move on. Lot's of contraversy and gossip, trying to keep a low profile and avoiding rumours is a *very* difficult to do *sigh* More on this later.
Satelite internet - so far, I'm loving it. (A bit slow @ 64kb/s)
My Linux skill are improving by the minute - using Ubuntu Linux (A South African version)
Mom's car's giving trouble - trying to get that sorted out. Jame's birthday tonight...lot's todo crazy hectic life...oh yea, started running again last week did a 10 km run (took it veeeery easy - managed to finish in min, goal =\under 4 minuntes)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tue 18th July 2006

As God is my witness, never again shall I go through a single day at work without detailing exactly what happened.

I'm not going into details, but if you DO NOT KEEP A WORK JOURNAL - You're screwed!

Never ever again!!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

2006-07-(08th to 12th)


0] Intro...
1] How am I - Physical
2] How am I - Emotional
3] Current Tasks / Projects
4] Upcoming Events
5] Recent Events
6] Entertainment Review /Anime/Movies/Music/Games/Outdoor

0] Introduction

My Blog entries will be structured from now on, more or less following this standard format. Occupation hazard for someone who write protocols for a living...had to happened sooner of later.

1] How am I? Physical
Category Goal / Limits Current
Weight < 80 kg 83.8kg
BMI 18.5 - 25 25.9 (Arrrgggghhhh)
% Body Fat 14 - 22 20.4
Blood Pressure <> 112/67
Cholesterol 4.1 -5.2 ???
Blood Sugar 3.5 - 6.0 ???


The Virgin Active computer has confirmed what I've expected...I've become a fat-ass. I've tipped over the BMI 25 line.

2] How am I? Emotional
Mood (1 = I wanna Die 10 = Whoohoo!) Current = 6 Same Same - Wish I had lithium

3] Current Tasks / Projects


- See the Dentists!!! - Still must do
- Get Cholesterol & Glucose Readings - still must do !!
- Loose weight / Get toned -
- Diet !!!! -


- Plans for Home extension
Got the drawing plans, must take them to a Draftsperson for submission to the municipal authorities for approval
- Get some nice paintings for lounge area - Get the garden into place - Free landscaping service anyone?
Where to start!!!!


Update my Web Page
- Write articles on my field of work
Update my Blog
- Upload videos of visit to China
Ja... I DID this on YouTube and a few days later it ALL DISAPPEARED - Ok so let's try Clip Shack out instead
- Get efficient system for video uploads
Ditto for the above
- Getting confused again - should I stick with blogger or do I go to MSN Spaces or to Yahoo 360 UUUHHHHH


Validation documentation project for the new production area - 2 week till dead line.
Made some progress here
Office relocation preparations - hmmm doesn't look like this is gonna happen soon, my new office that is
Updating of company SHE reps for the new Engineer - DOne
Arrange Safety Meeting for this month. - Done

4] Upcoming events

Not really an event but there are two things I really want to do

1) Get my bicycle fixed and go for a looooooog cycle

2) I haven't been clubbing for - like forever - need to call Justin and ask him if he's still alive ...

5] Recent events

Grahamstown Festival: It was nice all in all. It seemed a bit quieter than last year, I suspect the cold weather and the soccer world cup had an impact. I was disappointed when I found that the restaurant I normally go to didn't sell GLUVINE anymore :(

On the way to Grahamstown I got this cool footage of Declan
Ofcourse when I go camping, I Really rough it. I mean it was so tough out there in the wilderness I even had to run a power cable out to the DB board so that I could plug in my heater, laptop and light, and pump up the inflatable air mattresses.
And ofcourse I had to hold the camera while the woman pitched the tent.... no seriously I did help pitch the tent.
The end result

The Ride Home (Billy Idol and the Bunny Girl)

I was very happy with the air mattresses and I didn't even get cold :)

6] Entertainment Review / Anime / Movies / Music / Games / Outdoor

Viewing the first few episodes of an Anime called Speed Grapher.
It starts out with the song from Duran Duran called "Girls on Film"
It's a series about an ex-war photographer and is interaction with a powerful corporation in Japan.
Looks very promising so far.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fw: 2006_07_03


0]        Intro...
1]        How am I - Physical
2]        How am I - Emotional
3]        Current Tasks / Projects
4]        Upcoming Events
5]        Entertainment Review /Anime/Movies/Music/Games/Outdoor

0] Introduction

My Blog entries will be structured from now on, more or less following this standard format. Occupation hazard for someone who write protocols for a living...had to happened sooner of later.

1] How am I? |Physical|
Category Goal / Limits Current
Weight < 80 kg 84kg
BMI 18.5 - 25 25
% Body Fat 14 - 22 20.7
Blood Pressure <140/<90 96/62
Cholesterol 4.1 -5.2 ???
Blood Sugar 3.5 - 6.0 ???

Optimal physical heath peaked around 2000 - 2003, where running 45 km half marathons were the norm. BMI was at 22, weight at 80.
Demands of new job (at the time) working 12 - 14 hours routinely
Contributed to the "back-sliding".
Goal and intent is to return to this state with systems in place to
maintain it, with the knowledge that the challenge will increase with
each passing year.

2] How am I? |Emotional|
Mood (1 = I wanna Die 10 = Whoohoo!) Current = 6

After several months of deep despair and general feelings of being overwhelmed, a new sense of determination is returning, I'm beginning to feel like my old self.
The first thing that is needed to set a course for task completions

3] Current Tasks / Projects

- See the Dentists!!!
- Get Cholesterol & Glucose Readings
- Loose weight / Get toned
- Diet !!!!

- Plans for Home extension
        Got the drawing plans, must take them to a Draftsperson for submission to the         municipal authorities for approval
- Get some nice paintings for lounge area
- Get the garden into place
  Where to start!!!!

Update my Web Page
- Write articles on my field of work
Update my Blog
- Upload videos of visit to China
- Get efficient system for video uploads
- Getting confused again - should I stick with blogger or do I go to MSN Spaces or to Yahoo 360 UUUHHHHH

Validation documentation project for the new production area - 3 week till dead line.
Office relocation preparations
Updating of company SHE reps for the new Engineer
Arrange Safety Meeting for this month.

4] Upcoming events (8th-10th July 2006)
Graham's town Festival!!! South Africa's woodstock.
I saw a couple of stage shows last year, and they were pretty good.
The actors have very little in the way of props - just a bare stage
A few lights and perhaps a sound system if they're lucky.
I've been going every year since 2000

It's already started this weekend and I'm hoping to go this weekend coming . I hope that Xin-Wen will be free this weekend so that we can both go. Last year I pitched a tent that I bought ( 8 man double layer dome construct) but two oversights on my part

1) The floor is damn hard! Yup, unlike my Grandfather and Uncle and Mother who could (and probably did) sleep in the bush veldt without a qualm, I'm not made of such hardy stuff.
- So I bought inflatable matrices, yea I know, I'm a real man - step aside John Wayne

2) It's damn cold! Grahams town is inland and in a valley, and the festival is in winter. All the restaurants sell gluvine - which I love by the way. (Warm & Drunk!) The tent site has electricity beacons, and so this time I'll be bringing a fire proof heater ..or an electric blanket if I can find one...they're all sold out.

5] Entertainment Review /Anime/Movies/Music/Games/Outdoor

Title: Samurai Champloo
Viewed: June 2006
Comment: I really enjoyed this one! The characters were better developed than some animes. Essentially three very different characters on a single quest. Yes, they are Samurai so there's the obligatory sword slashing, jumping through the air etc, but what really kept me watching was the sense of humour and the occasional inserts / historical facts about life in Japan during the Edo period and how they impact on modern Japan today. Although the anime is set in the Edo period it's trendy and very accessible to the young generation (and the young at heart ... that's what I call myself anyway... (^_^)

The anime was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, for the Anime folks out there - yes, it's the same guy that did Cowboy Beebop.

Jin (My Favourite) I wish I looked like him!
Well kept, quite, well mannered wears a indigo blue hakama and gi (also my favourite colour) - of noble heritage

Mugen - wild haired, just plain wild vagabond, born on a penal colony on the Ryuku Islands. I assume that his fighting style is
A hybrid of so many different style that he learned on the penal colony, that his opponents get taken by surprise and do not know how to react.

Fuu - I grew to love this character. A wilful 15 year old girl (ex-waitress) is on a mission to find a Samurai who smells like sunflowers, by the way, Sun Flowers don't really have a smell -very Zen like to me..

Title: Bleach
Viewed: Still busy (as of July 2006)

Not as good as Samurai Champloo I think.
Too much fighting, chest beating and bravado
Still watch able in the same way soapies get you hooked to know "what's gonna happen next", but you don't really learn anything from this series - except I keep hearing the word "Bankai!!)
I watch Anime every night before I go to bed and invariably fall asleep before the 3 successive episodes has finished - I'm beginning to worry about what effect this will have on my sub conscience...maybe I'll be sitting in the boardroom one day, and I'll be trying to explain why my department needs more resources - my request will be denied, and infuriated I'll stand up and shout - dare challenge ME! NOW YOU WILL SEE THE FULL POWER OF MY SWORD'S BANKAI!!!!!
Don't laugh - it could happen!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ohh maaaaan


I turn my back from my blog for a few weeks, I come back and what do I see, some idiot hacks my blog and puts up adds for adults products.

The hack seems to have been worked via flicker rather than ...
I'll get to the bottom of it, when I have the energy, or I'm feeling vindictive. (\_/)
The poor sod tried to be poetic as well with the subscript, the person's obviously over-reaching themselves.

Anyways - either that or I'll migrate to msn spaces or something.

Lot's of stuff to be done here, seeing as I'm almost out of my hibernation phase.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Extreme traffic, stressing out changing Rands to dollars @ JHB international as the Chinese currency isn't available ... We found a not too glamorous bar call the Shebeen. Xin-Wen is meeting some friends here who owe her some money. I' having a brutal fuit. Alcohol make me sleepy during the day, which is the point.....long flight ahead. Got up @ 04:00 this morning and went for a short run.
Hopefully I'll get a SIM card in Hong Kong that can be used on my Phone. I bumped into Eddie Westraadt in PE, looking rather pleased with himself...he's on his way to the Grand Prix in Malaysia. He was with two other friends one of whom I recognized from a photo he used to have on his office wall.

Our flight leaves at 12:20.
When I phoned Mom, she was at the Casino...squandering my inheritance ... Only jokes... There is *no* inheritance ... He he...why am I laughing...oh yea I'm drinking alcohol ....

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Wouldn't you know it... a few days before I leave to go on holiday and I get the flu... Hardly slept last night. Flu (actually just a minor cold) has been going around so it was just a matter of time. Anyway...seem to be moving through the phases quickly, you know...first the nose starts, then coughing, then the sore throat, I went through the whole thing in two days...must be a weak strain. Doping on extra Vitamin C and antioxidents plus paracetalmol to drive down pyrogens in the system.

Technically I'm on leave as of this Monday but the work wants me to attend a meeting to finalise the handover of a project I was working on earlier this year.
When I get back most of the projects will be in full swing.
This last week has been hectic trying to close up all the loose ends.

Anyway..the camcorder is ready, must start packing....

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Fool and The Goddess

There once was a man, a broken man, lost in the sea of life and love. He undertook a journey of discovery and sought enlightenment. He traveled East believing he would find some answers there. He, like Buddha, sat under trees waiting for answers, but they never came.

He saw the sick and the frail, knowing that one day soon he too would be nothing more than dust and still with no assurance of what lay beyond the abyss.
One road took him to India, still seeing human decay, still no philosophy to comfort him

Then one night, he saw the goddess.
The Physical manifestation of perfection.
Her face was narrow and fine. Slanted almond eyes and small perfectly framed mouth.

The man felt both elated and ill. Her beauty inspired the divine but also the carnal.
The war which raged inside him such that his body struggled to know how to respond.

Surely she was a goddess,
Surely she knew all things, because she asked no questions
Surely she had done all things, because she made no movements
Surely she needed nothing, for she said nothing.
She would never age like those around her. She was made to last.

The man pledged his life to the goddess, what small matter that she was made of stone.
Maidens came and went but none compared to the goddess.
The man became blind to the comforts of a soft embrace of flesh and bone.
But the weather changed as winter was approaching and the winds and rains came as they
often do with fury and without warning.

The man a times felt frightened by lightening and the winds and the ghosts of the past and future. At times he reached a hand out to the goddess... "Just one embrace" he begged. "Just one soft, tender embrace and I shall be fueled with inspiration, I shall weather these storms and build the castle worthy of you"

But the goddess stared on to the heavens.

After five years, the man who had forgotten much of himself heard the march of soldier feet.
"Move, scoundrel" Said the general, kicking the man.
We have been given orders to move this statue to the emperor’s garden court.
He has told us that we may each have one of his concubines in exchange for the transport of the statue. My men are eager - move or we will gladly slit your throat. The statue moves tonight!

The man lay on the ground in pain as the men stronger and seemingly better than himself worked together to raise from the ground and onto the giant cart that would transport her to where she belonged - the royal court. As she moved away - no sign or pity or emotion showed, perhaps for the briefest of moments but the sun was setting and the shadows played tricks at these times.

So now there was an Emperor about to learn what the man had learnt.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


I had some trouble opening my car door this morning. It felt a little stiff. The key wouldn't turn. I thought that the saltwater from my other key that's attached to my board was starting to muck up my lock. That was until I put the key into my ignition, would wouldn't turn at all. After 5 minutes of wiggling, jiggling and cursing, the realisation dawned on my that what I was faced with was the remanents of an unsuccesful car robbery. Someone tried to pick the lock and in the process damaged the ingnition. It's fairly common knowledge that Mazda's and Ford Lasers are notoriously easy to steal, and are the "teeth cutting" choice of aspiring car thiefs. Well better luck next time chump!!!

I did manage to get the car started after further jiggling, wiggling. I fetched my boss from the airport, explaining the situation to him, and from there went to the insurance compny and locksmith respectively.
Because the insurance Company is right next door to Kamla's work, I dropped of her mail, which I've been lugging around in my briefcase for the last three days.

The locksmith said it would take about an hour and half to repair, and so I'm blogging and having breakfast. I've lost some time though, there were some things I needed to follow up at work, I have to put the extra time in some time during the week.

Let's see what else the day throws at me !!!

Friday, December 23, 2005


Christmas just around the corner, but I'm working through. Will take leave in March.
Moved office twice and now balancing 6 projects. It gets difficult when everyone else is laid back, at the beach or clubbing your own mind is thinking about deadlines.
Well the good news is that after the second move, I now have my window view back, but now the aircon itn't up to spec, and if I came with an operating manual, it would read "Caution: Optimal operating environment 19 - 21°C. For improved performance, place unit in close proximity to coffee machine and i-station tuned to"

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Nov - Dec 2005

Recent events are setting the stage for 2006,and although it wasn't what I had planned for, I think going with the flow is the way to go.

I've been busy with the task of looking for premanent residence, and housing prices being what they are, it's not a pleasant task. Buying a (decent) on a single salary is just not possible these days. The routine involves me grabbing a copy of the property post and marking the possible options. From there it's spending my Sundays riding around and getting my hopes dashed, smashed and trampled on. Well, if I have to have my Sundays ruined, I may as well have a good breakfast. I am a creature of habit you see . I choose the same table, order the same food at the same time, and usually get the same waitress. This comforts me, as the waitress knows what I want and my order goes smoothly.

THis is how I met *her*. A Chinese national with a friendly smile and pleasant demeaner.
(I'm not putting her name here because I haven't asked permission to write it here)
Somewhat taller than I would have expected, for a Chinese person, and dammned if I have to admit, looks a little like Lucy-Lu at certain angles...I think it's the light freckles that create the likness.

In any case, I had the priveledge of her company for supper one afternoon and voraciasously learned as much as I could about her. My instincts told me she was an interesting person and I wasn't dissapointed.

Somedays, when I'm surfing the waves are really awesome, but also a bit scary, but if you stop to think about each wave, you miss most of them. This is kind of how my life's been feeling lately, so when the supper was finished and I had found myself making arrangements to go to China on holiday with my newfound companion, I had to laugh. Life is weird, and at the moment...very exciting. If all goes well, well be making our way to Hong Kong (Xiang Cang) for a few days, from there direct to Shang-Hai, her home-town. Whether she'll decide to stay or come back to S.A. remains to be seen. I think she'll stay in China, and the way things are going I will have to brace myself to come home from China alone and dare I say, broken hearted...but then I've had lot's of practice in that department so let the chips fall where they may, they're going to anyway.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

2005-11-26-Saterday Road Race

I had an early night on Friday to prep for the Remax 15km Race on Saturday....I still woke up late. The wind was quite strong, so it took some arguing with myself to get myself out of bed.

To make matters worse I could find the venue. I was just about to give up when I saw a chap come past me in his car, with a runners vest on. He had a look of extreme oncentration on his if he was late for something .... ahhh!! So I just followed him and managed to arrive on time.

The wind had died down a bit so it wasn't too bad. I took it easy and I found that I had managed better than I expected. So all is not lost, I can still do a 15km at least LOL! The chap in the picture is someone I've seen around many of the road races. This gentleman is 75 years old, and that deserves some respect...he certainly has mine. :)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

2005-10-28-Friday-(My Birthday Bash)

This was my Birthday Bash on Friday @ "The-Lennox"

P.S. To the staff @ "The Lennox" thanks for excellent upmarket service.

From Left to Right

Wesley, Me, Kamla, Ravi, Joy My Audio Blog Here

To hear this, you must have the speex codec installed.

(Why speex? - because speex = good sound quality, tinyweenie file size/quick download / Speex = Free / Speex = Windows/Mac/Linux )

(Speex Rulez OK!!!!) I take my compression alogorithms seriously. :)


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
Yvette, Roslyn, Attila


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

Kamla, setting up phone to take a video

You can see the video here
It's in RealPlayer format.

The Windows Media format here



Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
The Family ;)


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
Wesley & Me...P.S. Wesley, don't screw with my phone again...


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
Justin & Angelo...deep discussion

Monday, October 24, 2005

Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday

Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
I was just doing some washing, etc, so I called Mom and asked her if she'd like to stop by for lunch.

At about 14:00 we got to Dizzy Dolphin's beachfront restaurant. I ordered a Chicken Tramizzini and Mom ordered a caramel waffel. That and an Iced coffee, sufficiently guilty - we opted to walk the beach front.

Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday

Fw: 2005-10-23-Sunday
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
We saw quite a few Jellyfish and Crabs on the shore. Perhaps a good sign that the marine life is thriving. We walked about a total of 4km, a nice
gentle exercise for a Sunday afternoon.


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
Sunsets, A fire, an ocean view.

Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

(See attached file: Warren-Saturday .jpg)


Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

Despite my intentions to go running, my lazy-ass-ness found an excuse inthe form of lower back pain. (I've got compressed disks).

So I slept late and was doing something Close to nothing.

Yvette & James stopped by, and I took the opportunity to make some video
footage of Declan. Yvette was saying that she didn't have any recent photo's of him, so I though, photos! Video is better. I made a VCD with a sound track etc.

The weather was quite nice, but I held back until about 14:00, when the Sun wouldn't cause any damage. As usual, I went to "Pipe" to surf. As I got there, I saw Angelo, Warren, Ravi and friends on the beach. Anyway, the
wave weren'y really spectacular, so after a frw hours I got out the water
and showered. As Angelo's flat was right the, I stopped off to say Hi. They
were making a braai and were kind enough to offer me a nice meal, even
though I didn't contribute anything. Kamla arrived later, fresh of the cover of a magazine, or where ever it is that comes from looking all radiant, glossed etc.

We were going to play cards like we did the other time (sans sharp objects) but I was feeling a bit tired and my back was starting act up a bit. So I went home for some gentle reading.



Friday was the normal hectic schedule. I had to drop my boss off at the airport earlier than usual (12:00)
On the wayback I took my car in for wheel alignment as the wheel has been shuddering whilst driving. After the balance it was right as rain, which made me feel a lot better, I was wondering if there was axel damage or shot CV joints.

Later that evening I was getting ready for some serious net surfing as I was in my Net-Head mood wanting to fly through cyberspace and meet up with people I haven't "seen" in a while. I ordered some chinese food - Chicken chowmein, (my favorite) with a dash of Chutney. I was just halfway through it when Angelo popped around so I had bath and got ready as he wanted to get some Pizza. We went to St. Elmo's and he ordered pizza, I just had some wine. We spent he time talking about philosphy....or at least some of mine - putting some theories to him. Perhaps he'll see some flaws in mine. That would be a good thing as theories must be able to stand up to challenges, if not then they should adapt, change...a lot like the human immune system. We got back to my place, me still being in a Net-Mood, dragged Angelo along for the ride, he chatted to a few folks, my cousin - Kevin popped on-line, Angelo spoke to him while I was making coffee for us.
At about 01:00 I called it a night as I wanted to run a 10 k race in the morning.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

2005-10-18-Tuesday Started work early today - I w...


Started work early today - I was very sleepy the whole day, especially in the morning during the Technical Services meeting.
I wonder if it wasn't the Coke I drank i.e. blood sugar levels / Insulin response...Despite this I worked late until 17:30 or so.
Angelo SMSed me, saying he wanted to come over to my place with Warren, to watch a movie that I had.
I cleaned the place up a bit, I was just finishing the dishes when he arrived. From there we went to Kentucky to by some supper.
The movie started about a quarter of the way through when Justin came over. I've been meaning to visit him last week as he was mugged the week before, but he's phone was  stolen so I couldn't get directions to his place which he moved into recently.
Justin wanted to have a drink so he showed us a place in central called, ????? Rouge.
A small quite bar, quite enough to be able to chat to friends.
I was glad to see that Angelo and Justin seemed to get on quite well, as they are very different personality types (in my opinion at least)
Kamla phoned me and told me about a deal that she initiated, like all deals, there is a small inherent risk involved, but I'm sure everything will turn out OK. Tiny But Tough she is. She takes life by the horns, that one and has the energy and determination to back it up.
It is one of the things I admire about her.
At about 10:30, we left. I had to do some ironing else I wouldn't have anything to wear for work the following day.   (

Monday, October 17, 2005

Hakkies Draad Mampoer

Hakkies Draad Mampoer
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

On several occasions on this blog, reference is made to Hakkiesdraad Mampoer, so it deserves an explanation. Note the barbed wire around the
bottle, if this doesn't give some indication as to what the customer is getting himself in for, well then I just don't know. Also, this product is proudly South African, made by a South African, for a South African.

As such the barbed wire makes it difficult for your neibours to steal your drink.

Hakkies Draad is also useful for the following applications:

  • Starting your Braai / Barbeque - if the wood is too wet or green just pour a few drop onto the wood. (A FEW DROPS!!!)
  • It can keep you car running if you run out of fuel on the way to
    or from the Braai (The car may go a little faster than normal, making up for lost time)
  • The bottle can also be used as a weapon in case you get mugged
    on the way to / from the Braai

    With all these practical uses, HakkieDraad Mampoer is a testimony to the South African spirit.
    But let's review what insights the manufacturer shares about their

    Hierdie tradisionele Bosveld Mampoer word sorvuldig gestook volgens oorle oom Martiens du Plessis se geheime familieresep.

    Hulle se
  • eers maak dit jou aantreklik
  • dan word jy sterk
  • dan maak hy jo slim
  • en dan word jy gebliksim

Geniet hom met jy dit wag.


Translation for those abroad

This traditional Bushveld Moonshine is carefully distilled in accordance with Uncle Matiens du Plesse's family secret recipy.

It is said that when consumed the effects are:

  • A profound realisation that you are in fact more attractive than you've given yourself credit for.
  • A sense of being somewhat physically stronger and agile than you
    normally consider yourself to be
  • An enlightened awareness that you are actually a very intelligent,smart human being
  • A sudden realisation that you are getting the cr*p beat out of you

That being said, I'm going on record saying that this bottle is
officially ornamental - and will NEVER be imbibed (again)!

FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday1

FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday1
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

The characters in this scene.

Yours Truly

*James (a/k/a That-Fn-Brother-in-law-of-mine)
*Yvette (a/k/a
*Atilla the Hun, uh, no Sorry, Just Atilla, and he's much nicer than that
Hun chap.
*Roselyn (Spelling?) - Attilla's wife

So we started off the evening at a place called Giovanni's by a complex
called "Dolphins Leap"
Very stylish up-market sort of club with neon lights and (fake) marble
floors, so naturally I didn't fit in :)
No, I actually quite like it.
We ordered some basic drinks and then I saw a waitress walk past with a
hooka pipe, so naturally we had to have one to - mostly for no other reason than the fact that it looked like fun and we wanted to be cool dammit. We ordered a mixed fruit and mint flavour tobacco, but we basically told the waitress she had carte blanche with what ever concoction she wanted to long as it was legal!
Very nice combination...whatever it was

FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday2

FW: 2005-10-15-Saturday2
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.

Anyway, where was I (I hope I manage to upload these it the correct sequence or else it's no gonna make much sences when I read in the future)

Ok, so from there we were supposed to go to Barnies, but I got it in my head that we were going to Toby Joes, so I parked my car there. Luckilly James called me when he saw my car pull off into the other road (he was behind me I think) Because Toby Joe's it only about 1 km away from Barnies I said "to hell with it" locked my car and jogged down, knowing full well that we would eventually end up back at Toby Joe's or Tappas.
Tappas is one of those places that you end up going to every single weeked, even when you tell yourself and others "Let's do something different next weekend - I'm sick of going to Tappas"

To which all your friends reply

"Ja, hey, like me too, I'm sick of Tappas, they always play the same music, Ja, we must definitely do something else next weekend, something
This is followed by a moment of silence as each person waits for someone to come up with a suggestion of a cool place to go to next weekend.

NoOne says anything, and the topic of discussion drifts off in some other direction.
The next weekend everyone meets up again, go to some place different,
and end Tappas.

FW: 2005-10-09 Uncle George

Last Sunday I took my Mom her boetie (a/k/a Uncle George) to Gondwana's Cafe.

I've grown quite fond of laid back Jazz and they were advertising a live jazz there.

It was quite warm in there because of the large windows letting in all the Sunlight.

George is off to the Western Cape - so I thought it would be nice to
spend some time with him, before he leaves.
By coincidence, Kamla, Ravi, Angelo, Gareth, Tasné, Joy and some other
people (who I didn't know) were also there.
I bought Mom a cocktail drink,....can't remember what drink it was,
looked a bit like a strawberry the hell does a person
(who isn't a rich alcoholic) remember how to spell *that* word?!
We left a little after 18H00.

I decided that we should go out more often on a Sunday - take the edge
of the Monday Dread Syndrome.

FW: 2005-10-08-Saturday

2005-10-08 Saturday.

OK, let me see if I can remember these events accurately and clearly. The characters in this story are (in no particular order, except that the most good looking guy is mentioned here first!)

Your's Truly ;)

We met and Angelo's place. I nice beachfront flat which he shares with his room mate, Gareth. We met there at about 18:00.... I think (Kamla correct me if I'm wrong...just click on the comments field below this...). We started out playing a strange version of Poker, although we did use real money, it was only because we didn't have any tokens. We used pennies as substitute ... No serious gambling. I'm ashamed to admit that I brought the "Hakkies Draad Mampoer" with - and with each shot the more difficult it became to concentrate on a game that I DIDN'T FULLY UNDERSTAND IN THE FIRST PLACE! Wesley also developed a case of long fingers, sneakily grabbing the other players pennies when they weren't looking. And then using those same pennies to win against the other players. Warren, despite his charming and passive demeanour is (as we've discovered of late) of a ruthless and competitive nature...he just hides it very well...took great offence at Wesley's "moral transgressions". Warren chose to demonstrate his dissatisfaction by pricking Wesleys hand (in the act) , with the tip of my pocket knife One plaster's later the game continued - .... I think Angelo ended up the eventual winner, much to Kamla's dismay, the reigning queen of cards.
From there we went on to play 30 seconds - a game requiring

Good General Knowledge (I'm so-so)
Ability to describe well (I kick ass here)
Fast thinking (Uhhhh Duuuuhh Ummmmm)

After several slices of Pizza, well..neither teams did very well.
I discovered Garet h's CD collection and ripped a copy of the Depache Mode CD's, some good stuff there!!! Thanks Gareth ;)

Thanks to Angelo, for being the host.

FW: 2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)1


Topic of Discussion.
Jame's 30'th Birthday Party

Well the pictures pretty much say it all. The evening started out respectably. Jame's rented one of the areas by the Telkom stadium. There was a fire (Two actually...but the one didn't take so well)

People, Jame's folks, my Mom, Yvette,me,Attilla (who's I've met before,
but can't remember where), Attilla's wife, Roselyn, Their daughter...a little girl who may be as wilful as she is pretty... Another chap was there...Kevin I think his name was, a nice friendly person with a manner that was quite comical. Kevin's mother was there, also a fun person. After some food and salads, Kevin's folks and my mom called it a night, so James not wanting to go home just yet offered to go to Brooke's pavilion. We packed up the sound system which I put in my Car as it wouldn't be safe on his Bakkie.
I dropped the equipment off at my place enroute.
From that point on, well as you can see, James somehow became convinced he was Fred Aistair I.e. Dancing on the tables.
Yvette remained well behaved as ever...we Walker's are proud of our ability to feign utter control despite any given amount of alcohol consumed. :)
Actually, it's quite simple, the trick is just moderation, and pacing.
I got a nice picture of Yvette and myself...we haven't got many recent
pictures of us together, so I was happy this one came out alright.
Taking a picture in a dark night club with a low grade camera phone isn't easy.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, my brother-in-law is a fun party animal!
With time I hope we will grow to be great friends. A lot of years ahead
us and all that.

P.S. Happy Birthday James :)

2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)2

Why alchol is bad for you! Take Notes People!

2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)3

Yvette, I still think of her as my baby sister, even though she has a

kid of her own, weird huh?

2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)4

Me & Sis. (Aaaaag sweeeet maaaan)

2005-09-25-Saturday-(Jame's Birthday)5

Ja, well, no fine, hey!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Pharmaceutical Humour

Pharmaceutical Humour
Originally uploaded by Clint_Walker.
Pharmaceutical Humour

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Geesh. What a day. I think my brain has crashed. I just couldn't think straight at work today. Lotta things I gotta sort out, mostly paper work...I've got to develop an efficient system... I'm waiting for Kamla to finish so we can meet Moosa & Tasniem at Zorbas...we're late as usual...I ordered the lamb shank which has pumpkin and greens. Very Nice. I got full quickly so I put the rest in a take away bag. From there we went to the Boardwalk - it was a bit chilly but Moosa's sugar rush had kicked in and he was uncharacteristically upbeat. I ordered a Mint Mocha - and some pancakes - there's my diet shot to hell right there. Topic of discussion was mainly around Kamla's school years (final year in Highschool).


Sometime in the morning I got an SMS from Justin saying I should come around for Drinks. So I phone him up to check the details, it turns out it's his Birthday. Poor bastard.
So I did the dishes, hung up some washing and then went to go do some groceries...thinking I'll get something for the guy there.
Greenacres was packed. So anyway I make my way though the whole tedious affair - and the last item I remember is soap. The isles are too crowded so I figure ... I'll just leave the trolley to one side and then fetch the soap. Ofcourse when I get back - no trolley. Some idiot probably took the wrong trolley. After searching with trepidation for my trolley and casting accusative glances at other people's trolleys, I finally can to the sad a bitter conclusions that this day I would be doing groceries -TWICE.

That sordid affair behind me I resolved to look for a pair of comfortable shoes as I've become partial to wearing tracksuits for some energy levels already depleted - the view of the long queues frightened me - I was starting to get hungry and my will power (being what it is) would soon see me stuffing my face with something from the Mugg & I did what any man would do...I ran away.

I got home and relaxed a bit. Angelo stopped by and chatted and ofcourse as it has become tradition between us- make inflammatory remarks about racial issues in an attempt to ruffle the other's feathers. It's like those people who meet every now and then to play a game of chess. He'll maneuver a pawn (Affirmative action) deftly followed with a Bishop (White Colonialism) - I’ll counter with something along the lines of how he owes his existences to white collonliasm given the fact of his mixed heritage. This is what mighty racial intolerance has been reduced to...chats around cups of coffee. (Thank goodness...we've come a long way baby...)

Later that evening there was a power failure - so I had bath by candle light...The lights came on again 30 minutes later. Kamla and I went to see Justin. I had bought him a bottle of Johnny Walker - I thought that way he would remember me everytime he had a drink!

Kamla and I played a game of pool. Kamla's a slightly better pool player than me, but that's not saying much.
Simon, Jaws, Kiwi,Ettiene, the whole crowed was there. It was not too bad all in all. By midnight the Red Bull I drank was wearing off so we made our way home along with everyone else.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What I did last Saturday (2005-08-20)

P.S. I just installed the Blogger Plug-in for Word…what a brilliant Idea!
Now Blogging is really gonna be easy … I Love these guys!
Except that is won’t up load pictures….maaaaaan just when I was starting to think the world was beautiful place L
Sigh! Now I’ll have to up load the pictures manually …damn!

The Belinda Carlisle Concert in P.E.

It was cold and overcast earlier that day.
I was worried briefly, until I remembered that the concert was an indoor Venue.
Local Singer from the South African band Mango Groove fronted for the Gig.

I was never a big fan of Mango Groove, and thought, ah well, let's get through this..
I have to admit that Clare Johnson has an amazing on-stage personality.
She connected with the crowd and made people open up and loosen up.
P.E. people typically aren't good audiences - they're sitters and watchers.

25 minutes later, well they're not sitting anymore.
This is the Magic of a good performer.
And it wasn't just the booze either, the queue to the bar was unbelievably long.

I bought two Kiwi fruit cocktails for myself - no way I was going to stand in the queue again.
Ofcourse there had to be acock-up somewhere along the line - My seat allocation was G45...
guess what...there WAS NO ROW G. What idiot arranged that. I mean - even I 10 year old knows his ABC's

These guys were the members of the Clare's Band

Belinda sang all the well known songs.
I was waitng for circle's in the sand - my favorite.
The one song that I didn't like - Heaven is a place on Earth was sung as an accoustic version which liked much more than the original...

I heard on the Radio that Belinda turn 47 just when she arrived in P.E. - What as strange place to spend your Birthday. Anyhow, looking none the worse for wear - took me quite buy surprise.Oh Lord - may I too be blessed with plastic surgeons
All in all it was a good concert and worth the money.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sunday Cycle

Almost every Sunday (weather permiting) I go cycling along marine drive.
When it comes to relaxing, this is the highlight of my week.

It's basically a 60 km ride, and goes through some of the best parts of Port Elizabeth.
So I thought I'd share some of the views.

I came across a water race/competition, the guys were racing around markers and going pretty fast too. That basically concluded my ritual Sunday cycle. Then I take a nice warm bath.

From there it's basically back the way I came, now the odo meter's sitting at 40km so I usually stop off at the sketer hang out. I like to see how the kids measure up from the days when I was in school...some of the guys could go pro...if there was enough sponserships...

The canon from the Sacromento ship. Oh yea, that's my Bicycle that got me there. Definitely NOT state of the art. It's a cheapo model. I wasn't sure if cycling was something I would keep up so a got a basic model, it's been two years now so I think I'm going to upgrade the bike and take part in races.

The view is nice but the cool fresh air really makes it worthwhile

And at 30 odd km one arrives at Sacremento Restaurant...named after the Sacromento ship that got stranded here many years ago..

Sea view - this is where the more serious surfer do their's a bit rocky so you'd better know what you're doing else you could get hurt. Also the guys NEVER go surfing on their own least two people

About 20 km out and now it starts getting more remote and peaceful...

Ok - this is the place known as simply as "pipe" a lot of surfers and bodyboarder hang out here, sometimes tough it get's intense. A whole bunch of people try to catch the same wave and guys start bumping each other's like mad max on water LOL!

The long road ahead - about 15km out from central

What did I say about palm trees!!!!!!

The shark Rock Pier ... I used to spend a lot of time here when I first started tinkering with the BodyBoard..but I found a better spot further up